We opened what my children lovingly call "Our Cool HomeSchool" bright and early Monday morning. After months of planning and replanning it was finally time, our big day. We got up, had a nice warm breakfast, it was unusually cool that morning, my boys cleaned up and we began our morning circle. "Welcome to First and Fourth Grade!" I said
We only do a short circle in the AM, We sing Good Morning Dear Earth and then a good morning welcome song to one another (and all the pets). Next we say our centering verse and get to work. My oldest begins his morning work, Grammar and Math problems and on Mondays he has a Copy Work verse to start on; we also do forms. My youngest and I began a 3 week form drawing block. I am using Donna Simmons Form Drawing for Beginners We are doing the running forms that go along with the Lonely King story. What fun. We incorporated popsicle sticks yesterday and walked the form today. He thinks he is just goofing off, playing but i see him learning :-)
My oldest is studying Norse Myths this block. We are trying to ease into the work load of this year. Doing a 3 day rhythm for the first two weeks than back to our normal 2 day rhythm. We are reading "The First Gods and Giants" this week and molding runes out of clay. He is also reading Thorkill of Iceland with Step Dad Chris.
We break for lunch around 11:30, and I am off to art class till 4pm.
After supper we come together again and have our circle time. Mondays and Wednesdays we have Music class using Jodie's Music from the Heart vol 1 Penny Whistle syllabus. It is fantastic and so much fun! Then we do handwork. Me and the guys have rolled a ball of yarn and Malachi has begun molding his runes. Tuesdays and Thursdays we have movement and game night. Our movement activities are taken from Brain Gym and Bal A Viz X. We play games like Hi Ho Cherry Ohs, Shoots and Ladders, Candy Land together, ten Malachi and I get out Earthopoly, Clue or cards. Such fun! Fridays are for painting, nature challenges and cooking class, also for catching up on unfinished work.
Snacks, bath time and bed time come next to end our fun filled days.
This is our day in a blink.


Jodie said...

Sounds magical! I am sure your kids will love learning with out even knowing it!

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